The 6 Types of Working ‘Evil’ Geniuses

Li-Hsuan Lung
3 min readAug 12, 2024

I took the online assessment after reading Patrick Lencioni’s The 6 Types of Working Genius. It pinpointed my working geniuses as Enablement and Tenacity. At first, this seemed to confirm my strengths: I’m great at supporting others and getting things done. However, as I reflected more, I realized these strengths could also be my downfall.

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The Dark Side of Tenacity and Enablement

I often find myself stepping in to finish the last 10% of a team project. I genuinely enjoy this part — getting things across the finish line and helping others succeed. However, I’ve realized that my tenacity and enablement might be covering up my team’s weaknesses.

When I swoop in to rescue a project, I might be preventing my team from learning how to overcome challenges independently. In the long run, this could be more harmful than helpful. My good intentions might stunt their growth and prevent them from developing the resilience they need.

Recognizing and Managing “Evil Geniuses”

This reflection led me to think about the idea of “Evil Geniuses” — how our strengths can become weaknesses if taken too far. My tendency to always help and finish projects could be seen as a form of over-functioning, where I take on too much and leave my team…

